X'mas 2007
As usual, christmas is another must have gathering event of the year, despite it is always un-meaningful.
It's either rot alone or rot together.
Met up with the guys during evening time to have our sumptuous buffet at Kushin Bo, in order to kill some time before xmas.
Messy Leftovers @ Kushin Bo
After the meal, we went straight to arcade to kill more time, it's another uncool thing to do during xmas eve.
To my surprised, i'm actually quite enjoying the whole arcade experience. It's good to feel young again.
The only few games that made me get hooked is Guitar Freaks & Percussion Freaks. It is really addictive to me, especially i'm a very music person who know nuts about music.
After the jamming session at arcade, we went straight to marina square to catch some midnite show and count down for xmas at the same time.
We managed to get seats for the movie "heartbreak kid"which is a R21 movie, and that really bring up the atmosphere for xmas. Woohoo!
We slacked around the corner of the cinema while waiting for our time to see the movie, and counting down for xmas at the same time.
F4??? Fantastic4???Fucker4!!!